In partnership with UCLA ArtSci Center and the University of Applied Arts Vienna.
Curated by Gerald Bast, Alexander Damianisch & Barbara Putz-Plecko
April 5 - 27, 2019
Opening Reception at BBAX Saturday, April 6, 6 - 8pm
Locations – dates – details: feynman.dma.ucla.edu
Free with RSVP
The two-day symposium and exhibition on arts based research aims to envision a future in which arts and design are understood to be central to the success of every complex problem. Focus in the program will be to highlight the importance of art research and education, particularly in times of social unrest and climate change. It is through the arts that the scope of human experience around creativity, innovation, empathy, culture, and knowledge is learned, expressed, and distributed, both for the common good and the development of the individual. By highlighting collaborative research between artists, humanists, scientists and scholars at large, the symposium will attempt to demonstrate the important role of art research in academia and beyond.
In the exhibition UNDERSTANDING – ART & RESEARCH, curated by Gerald Bast, Alexander Damianisch and Barbara Putz-Plecko (Angewandte) 15 projects of artistic research practice, related work by the artistic researcher Margarete Jahrmann and the Angewandte Artistic Research PhD Program are presented -- all approaches challenging our established perspectives. The exhibition will enhance the understanding of possibilities of research through art in new ways and the driving force of inquiry, artistic and scientific activity. The desire and claim to contribute to the transformation of society can be viewed, examined, sensed, discussed and experienced through examples from research and teaching, science and
art, design and architecture. The exhibition was newly adapted and designed for the Building Bridges Art Exchange gallery after presentations in New Zealand (Dunedin School of Art) and Singapore (Nanyang Technological University Singapore).