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Viral Geometry is contemporary artist, Antuan's latest project. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the artist has produced an extended series of drawings concerning the global crisis that emerged as a result of the virus pandemic. These set of artworks is an exploratory vision and statement of our global crisis and the need for a shift in human behavior regarding our social net, the environment, economic disparities, and our own physical and spiritual health while signs of the COVID-19 crisis is heightening.




This project is an integrated effort in times of social distancing and lockdown between Building Bridges Art Exchange  in Santa Monica, CA; Arte Al Limite, in Santiago, Chile; Curatorial Labs, in Philadelphia, PA; and La Neomudejar  Museum, in Madrid, Spain.




The project initiates with the curatorial team of: Curator and Art Historian Marisa Caichiolo, Executive Director / Founder of Building Bridges Art Exchange and Curator of DIVERSEartLA, Museums & Institutions section of the LA Art Show (Los Angeles, USA); Curator and Art Historian Elisa Massardo, Editor of Arte Al LiĢmite art magazine (Santiago, Chile) focusing on project  concept and design; and Curator and Museologist Jorge Luis Gutierrez, Artistic Director of Contemporary Art Lab and Consultant for Art Africa Miami art fair (Philadelphia, USA), focusing on the art essays of the project.


To inquire about the artwork seen here, call us at 1 (323) 893-3924 or email us at





“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” [1]


There is no solidity in the universe. A form that appears solid is actually created by an underlying vibration. Vibrations express themselves in corresponding geometrical figures and in this way build up crystals that are the expression of vibration.


All life on Earth is calibrated to the frequency of the planet. Everything from our brain waves and biorhythms to our states of consciousness are directly correlated to the Earth’s frequencies. In this regards, the Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum :: Schumann Resonance Freq. : 7.83 Hz


There is agreement among science, medicine and metaphysics that certain frequencies can repel disease, and certain frequencies can destroy disease. Herein lays the link between frequency (vibration) and health. Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating strings of energy. Scientific research has shown that different parts of our bodies have their own sonic signature. 


In the current circumstance of a world health pandemic, human’s immune system becomes essential, and all elements related to the proper alignment of human mental, social and physical well-being are of pertinent analysis and approach from different perspectives. Antuan’s works become meaningful snapshots of the shocking events that occur within the Covid-19 global pandemic.


[1] Allan L. Benson. Nikola Tesla, Dreamer”. WORLD TODAY. February, 1912.






“The future is often invented from fragments of the past.” [1]


The artist has developed a substantial body of work regarding vibration concerning the balance between the planet’s physical dynamics and human health. Also, knowing that frequencies - called Schumann Resonance are incredibly crucial to our physiology and mental well-being, if the Earth’s frequency itself were to change, the effects on humans would be dramatic. Humans evolved on Earth bathed in this band of frequencies, and our body cells depend upon it. We are synchronized with this signal. 


According to the artist, there is a growing body of scientific research showing how our core brain and cellular rhythms have evolved to synchronize to this Earth’s pulse. One danger is that the electro-smog of EMFs now swamps this natural electro-magnetic field from radio, Wi-Fi, radar, 3G, 4G, and 5G mobile phones, which may lead to a suppression of our innate immune system.


In the current circumstance of a world health pandemic, humans’ immune systems become essential, and all elements related to the proper alignment of human mental, social and physical well-being are of pertinent analysis.


Antuan’s conceptual framework holds visionary approaches, not necessarily interpreted by the art trends of our time. He is an integrator of human experiences, a visual researcher of extensive experimentation. With profound humanism, he envisions his art as a contribution to a new conception of being in a complex world where Coronavirus offers “a blank page for a new beginning” or risk returning to the existing broken conditions of our political, environmental, economic, cultural and social body.


[1] Hans Ulrich Obrist. New New Deal: Toward a New Era of Social Imagination. ArtNet News. May 5, 2020.



“Now this feels urgent, now they feel vulnerable. It’s in moments like this that real change can happen. The key is ensuring that this crisis catalyzes societal and environmental solutions instead of reinforcing entrenched irrationality.” [1]


Antuan envisions a world where creative minds, scientists, dedicated leaders, and spiritual practitioners gather around art to learn and share towards creating a better world. Art as an expression of the potential wholeness of the human being. Harmonizing mind intelligence, the sensitivity to the feelings, and the wisdom of nature and its cosmic law. Without denying or promoting the underlying diverse human cultural foundations.


The Viral Geometry project by contemporary artist Antuan is the result of years of research, experimentation, and creation of artworks where the artist has led us to pledge ourselves to a new way of thinking and acting inspired in art.


The Covid-19 pandemic is a global crisis context to inspire dialogues, exchanges, and opinions, and to enlighten audiences in a way society understands while providing answers to critical issues concerning the planet today, such as environmental well-being, social-political and economic disparities, and the increasing health threats of human species. Perhaps we might emerge with a “new normal,” and significant changes after the pandemic ceases. Or maybe with lessons not learned, all will bring us back to matters as usual.


Antuan’s artistic series on Viral Geometry is an abstract alert of the fact that of all species that have existed on Earth, 99.9 percent are extinct. At the heart of everything he does as an artist, there is a constant on key existential elements of life:


• Communication as a universal means for human network-based strategies as the ultimate platform for interactions between humans and their surroundings. [The Human Net, Universal Codes]


• The environment, through which he celebrates nature and promotes positive social change [The Other Dimension]


• Healing as an essential human component of physical and spiritual survival [Vibration and The Nous]


[1] Thomas Gillespie. Disease ecologist -Emory University. A real life ‘Contagion’: Humans may be to blame for viruses jumping from animals to us By Kristen Rogers, CNN. April, 2020.



“After we’ve come out of hiding and taken off our masks, we should not forget what it was like to be alone.” [1]


Viral Geometry is contemporary artist, Antuan's latest project. During the COVID-19 lockdown, the artist has produced an extended series of drawings concerning the global crisis that emerged as a result of the viral pandemic. These set of artworks is an exploratory vision and statement of our global crisis and the need for a shift in human behavior regarding our social net, the environment, economic disparities, and our own physical and spiritual health while signs of the COVID-19 crisis is heightening and possibly cementing those changes.


The purpose of Viral Geometry is to create a much needed dialogue and discussion around the reimagining of global, regional, and local practices, from the perspective of the arts. This project questions the ways these practices led to a worldwide financial crisis; a surge of authoritarian governments; the emergence of a new economic superpower; an age of expertise, knowledge, and science under aggressive attack; culture and the arts at the service and spectacle of the markets; and a pandemic which precipitated crisis and uncertainty.


Amid the current uncertainty, it would be unwise to conceive highly confident predictions about how the world will be like shortly. However, a lesson to be learned from this human disturbance is that the COVID-19 pandemic lead to outcomes which stem from a deep-routed and unaddressed weaknesses. The COVID-19 crisis has been a catalyst, bringing issues upfront that were previously ignored in better times.


The coronavirus didn't break the world. It revealed what was already broken. Many of us are getting a glimpse of dystopia. Others are living it. Meanwhile, Viral Geometry is an excellent analogy to try to envision our present and future.


[1] George Packer- Staff writer. “We Are Living in a Failed State”. The Atlantic. May, 2020.